About Lists

  1. <ol> Ordered lists are lists where each item in the list is numbered
  2. <ul> Unordered lists are lists that begin with a bullet point
  3. <li> item in the list is placed between an opening <li> tag and a closing </li> tag.

  1. <dl> The definition list is created with the <dl> element and usually consists of a series of terms and their definitions.
  2. <dt> This is used to contain the term being defined.
  3. <dd> This is used to contain the definition.

Abour <ol> and <ul>

About Boxes

The most popular ways to specify the size of a box are to use pixels, percentages, it set several properties that affect the appearance of these boxes

  1. CSS treats each HTML element as if it has its own box.
  2. You can use CSS to control the dimensions of a box
  3. inline boxes made into block-level boxes.
  4. Block-level boxes can be made into inline boxes
  5. We control the borders, margin and paddingfor each box with css

Overflow Content

Border Style


  1. ridge: appears to stick out from the page
  2. inset: appears embedded into the page
  3. outset: looks like it is coming out of the screen


It Colors the border p.omar { border-color: #0088dd;}

About element display

  1. inline: This causes a block-level element to act like an inline element.
  2. block: This causes an inline element to act like a block-level element.
  3. inline-block: This causes a block level element to flow like an inline element.
  4. none: This hides an element from the page.

About Css3



CSS3 introduces the ability to create rounded corners on any box, using a property called border-radius

About Basic JavaScript Instructions


There are two string operators. The first is the concatenation operator (‘. ‘), which returns the concatenation of its right and left arguments. The second is the concatenating assignment operator (‘ . = ‘)


Arithmetic operators are used to perform arithmetic on numbers: Operator, Description. +, Addition. -, Subtraction

Switch Statement

The switch statement evaluates an expression, The value of the expression is then compared with the values of each case in the structure. If there is a match, the associated block of code is executed

while loop

The while statement creates a loop that is executed while a specified condition is true. The loop will continue to run as long as the condition is true. It will only stop when the condition becomes false. … do/while - loops through a block of code once, and then repeats the loop while a specified condition is true

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